Saturday 9 April 2011

Taxi Drivers Used To Be Great - But Have Now Become Really Shit

There was a time when your taxi would arrive outside your house, the driver would get out and knock your door. He'd then carry your bags if you had any, and load them in the car for you.

At your destination he'd hop out and unload them for you.

If you were a young lady, he would also drop you off at night time and wait until you were safely in the house before driving off.

The useless, lazy, noisy twats have since gone downhill a bit now.

They pull up outside your house and blast their horns several times as if rounding up cattle. They watch you struggle with your bags and then reluctantly haul their fat fucking arses out of the car to open the boot for you to load them in the back.

When they drop you off at night, even if you are a vulnerable lady, they can't wait to fuck off and grab their next fare. Greedy twats.

Shit service, shit attitudes, shit cars.

That's what happens when you allow Johnny Foreigner to flood the market with half wit drivers!!

They can't speak English, they don't know ANY streets in your town and chances are they are unlicensed, uninsured and uninterested in your welfare. They want the money and bollocks to you or any other passenger they may be lucky enough to rip off.

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