Saturday 9 April 2011

Einstein And Socrates - Geniuses But Shit All The Same

Einstein is one of the biggest tossers in history.

All he ever did was think. He sat there thinking non-stop for so many years, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, fuuuuuuuuuuuuucking think!!!! And the bastard got paid for it too.


What in the name of all that is holy was this dopey twat thinking about to come up with that shite?

When I think, I have images of next door's daughter (who IS over 18ish by the way) and my mates wife in suspenders coursing through my mind. Einstein thought about nothing but shit equations and falling apples.

Add to that the fact this Austrian nutter had one of the dodgiest hair styles ever seen on this planet and he definitely qualifies as being shit. No matter how clever he is.......he's shit.

Socrates was an even bigger cunt. His full time job was thinking and he came up with fuck all! A whole lifetime of thinking and he came up with zilch, nacht, shite, absolutely fuck all the useless Greek shithouse.

Socrates considered himself such a great thinker to the extent that he never even bothered to write down the shite he came up with.

So all we have to rely on, with regard to any shit Socrates managed to come up with is the writings of his scholars such as Plato; however, works by Xenophon, Aristotle, and Aristophanes also provide important insights. Thank God these students of his managed to make a few notes.

Ignore all that though. If Socrates was such a lazy twat that he couldn't even be arsed to write down his thoughts then he goes down in history as being shit.

A shit philosopher and a shit writer and I'd like to add, a lazy tosser.

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